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ReplyDeleteA Cyber Week sale is being held with a 15% discount code "Merry15" to encourage customers to make purchases. The sale includes new products like gift wrap, desk calendars, pillows, and holiday cards, as well as classic items like fabrics, tote bags, and coasters. The sale is only happening once or twice a year, adding a sense of urgency to potential customers. The friendly tone of the message, including the invitation to "pounce" on items, creates a positive atmosphere. A call-to-action should be added to encourage customers to visit the website or store before the sale ends on Friday, 12/4. The announcement conveys enthusiasm and encourages customer participation. The 2016 Desk Calendars by Vitamini are available at an exclusive 15% discount, while the sale includes new pillows, holiday cards, chic tote bags, and coasters. The sale is a great opportunity to treat yourself or find the perfect gift. abogados de accidentes de moto
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