Friday Finds 4.24.15

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weaving detail by @vitaminimodern on instagram Happy Friday to you! I hope you had a nice week. I've been working on a few different things - some diy projects for the blog that are works, shop updates, getting ready for Patchwork Show, Oakland in a couple weeks. And just for fun, I started working on another weaving. I really enjoy the how relaxing it is! Maybe I'll work on a post about it here on the blog. In the meantime, here are a few cool things for you to peruse:
  • I love these painted wood bowls
  • Learn how to embellish a basic tank top with sweet and simple embroidery stitches
  • I need to get some wood beads so I can make this necklace
  • Jillian Bremer's honest talk about business on Design Sponge is a really good read
  • I just watched Somm. Have you seen it? It's a documentary about the difficult road to becoming a Master Sommelier. It reminded me a lot of taking finals in college and going to job interviews, ie: super stressful! But it also reminded me how fulfilling it can be to work hard to get really good at something. You can find it on Netflix. 
  • If you're missing Don Draper's mod apartment already, you can read about the set and furnishings in this LA Times post from 2012. How had I never noticed that wallpaper in the kitchen before?
  • I kicked off my Small Biz Series last week with the topic of getting started. Check it out and get a free printable, hand lettered by me, of one of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes

Have a lovely weekend!


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  3. Thanks for the post especially for the simple embroidery stitches link. I am going to do it on my tank top now.

  4. Happy Friday! Your DIY projects sound exciting, especially with the upcoming Patchwork Show. I love how you’re weaving relaxation into your creativity! Speaking of creativity, have you ever checked out poptropica? It’s a fun game that sparks imaginative adventures, similar to your projects. I’m looking forward to your post on weaving; it would be great to see your process. Keep sharing these inspiring ideas!



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