
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!
There's nothing like a national holiday to make you want to up your outfit game. Especially on a holiday that's known for parades, barbeques, and fireworks! I've been in paper flower factory mode over here, so I thought up this fun red, white, and blue flower headband to wear to celebrate USA on the 4th. I designed it to look star-like and incorporated stripes, so it's practically an American flag in flower form!

Here's what you'll need:
DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!

  • Scrap cardboard from a cereal box
  • Double-sided crepe paper in deep indigo/bright blue
  • Single-sided crepe paper in red
  • Round flower center, about 1/2"
  • Flower stamen/pips
  • White chalk marker or gel pen
  • Hot glue gun
  • Solid washi tape
  • Elastic headband
  • Pencil
  • Scissors

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!

Cut two circles about 1 3/4" from the scrap cardboard. Cut a hole on each side of one of the circles. Thread the headband through the two holes and tape the cut edges. This cardboard piece will enable the headband to stretch and move without affecting the flower or pulling your hair.

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!

Set the headband aside for later.

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!
Make the components: (Paper grain runs vertically on all paper pieces) Cut 9 petals, about 1 1/2" x 3/4". Cut 9 more petals, 1" x 1/2". Draw skinny stripes on the large petals with the chalk or gel pen. Gently stretch the centers and gather the bases of all 18 petals. Fringe the end of a strip of red crepe, about 6" wide  x 3/4" tall. Gather it in a spiral, making a rosette.

Assemble: Hot glue the large petals onto the second cardboard round so the edges touch. Hot glue the small petals closer-in on the circle, between the large petals. Glue the red rosette in the center. Add the stamen and finish off with the flower center. Add a small dot of hot glue to the center of the cardboard on the headband (not to the headband itself). Press the two cardboard rounds together to create the finished piece.

DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial! DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial! DIY 4th of July Paper Flower Headband | click through for the tutorial!

Wear it to your 4th of July festivities! I know I'll be wearing mine.