Reverse Macro Photography

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Macro lens hack

I was cruising around some blogs last week and read this post on Wit & Whistle about a macro lens hack that she tried. I don't have a macro lens for my camera so I had to give it a try. Of course I chose to take photos of my succulents.

Macro lens hack Macro lens hack

Alisa Burke describes how to do it with a 50mm lens. Just take it off the camera body, flip it around, and hold it tight against the camera. Varying the distance from the subject will give you the focus. While it was very difficult to get a clear shot, I sure had fun trying!

Macro lens hack

The sun was going down and made these pretty lens flares. I held the camera (and the lens) for these shots, but I think I'll try it with a tripod next time. Have you ever tried this technique?


  1. I've never tried this technique at all but I really should get practising with my camera more! And all these images are so beautiful!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! The more I practice with my camera the more fun it gets. :)

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