
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Handmade Paper Flowers.

Handmade paper flowers

Winter finally caught up with us here in California and we're getting some rain! To combat the gray skies, I broke out my paper flower supplies and started making over the weekend.

Handmade paper flowers

I wrote up a review of Paper to Petal a while back and this is the third flower I've made from the book, the painterly poppy. I was drawn to the color strokes on the petals and since I already had my watercolors out I was ready to get started.

Handmade paper flowers Handmade paper flowers

I made a bunch of the poppies, then made a few colorful fillers and some leaf spikes to fill out the arrangement in this cool West German vase I found at the thrift store. It makes for a cheerful, but somewhat moody arrangement, don't you think?

Handmade paper flowers Handmade paper flowers

Have you tried making paper flowers? Are you as hooked as I am?


  1. These are stunning! Love the color combo too!

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