
Friday, February 21, 2014

DIY Graphic Pushpins

DIY graphic pushpins

I have a corkboard next to my screen printing table to hold all those random little scraps of paper that I'm always collecting. I love pinning up new, pretty things, but those plastic pushpins weren't doing anything for me. I whipped up this project with materials I already had on-hand and love how they unify my board! Here's what you'll need to make your own:

DIY graphic pushpins
  • Pushpins. Use up those mis-matched ones you already have. Where did that single yellow one come from, anyway?
  • White Fimo or Sculpey. I used FIMO Soft
  • Assorted acrylic paints. I used Martha Stewart Paints in Pea Shoot, Scallion, Beach Glass, and Beetle Black
  • Paint brush
  • Scrap of cardboard

Start by making spaced-out holes in the cardboard with a pushpin. Make one hole for each pin. Pull off a small piece of Fimo from the block. Soften it in your hands and roll out a little ball and a long flattened piece (technical terms, people).

DIY graphic pushpins

Roll the flattened piece around the pushpin, removing any excess that overlaps too much. Roll it between your fingers to smooth it out around the pin. Flatten the ball a little, and add it to the top. Work it between your fingers until it's smooth and the seams disappear.

DIY graphic pushpins

Carefully put it into your cardboard rack in one of the holes you made earlier. Repeat until your rack is full (or your cup runneth over, whichever comes first).

DIY graphic pushpins

Bake on the cardboard rack according to the instructions on the clay label. (Cardboard will not catch fire at the low temperature the clay requires, but do not leave it unattended. The Sculpey site has more information about safe baking techniques.)

When your pieces are cool, paint them with the light color. Just leave them on the rack and paint around them.

DIY graphic pushpins

Add the black accents. Paint just the middle, or just the top, or try an angled, dipped look. Make a bunch!

DIY graphic pushpins DIY graphic pushpins

Let them dry, and done! A set of these would be a nice gift for a coworker. Make them in her favorite colors!

DIY graphic pushpins

I think these bad boys will really class-up my cork board. I'm off to go make some more! Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This is a great idea, I too have those plain plastic push pins and was thinking of how to make them more chic and this is a great solution. Thanks Casey I will be trying this soon.

  2. what a brilliant idea! you could even try and make different shapes.
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. Yes! I made a few cubed ones before I settled on the round peg shape. Add glitter if you want to get a little crazy with it. ;)

  3. Woah, these are so cool! I had no idea you could bake clay on cardboard like that,. It opens up so many possibilities :)
