DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

I ordered a simple clip lamp from Amazon to help illuminate my work area. I loved its industrial look, but wasn't thrilled with the ugly brown cord. And since I planned on clipping it to a shelf, I knew the cord would be visible at all times. I decided on a simple fix. A wrap! Here's all you'll need to do it yourself:

DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

  • Clip Lamp. Also available at most hardware stores
  • Nylon twine in your color of choice, I used this great orange
  • A clothespin or other clip, to hold the string when you need to take a break

DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

To begin, tie a square knot at the top of the cord near the fixture leaving a tail of a couple of inches. Keep the rest of the cord bundled up in a twist-tie to make it easier to work with, and begin wrapping towards the plug end of the cord, over the string tail that you left from the knot. Here's the wrapping method that worked best for me:

DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

Wrap the string around the cord 5 or 6 times somewhat loosely. Holding the string tight with one hand, scoot the loops up, tightening the string until the wrap is tight and continuous. Push the string up to make sure that it's tight and doesn't have any gaps revealing the cord underneath. That's it!

DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

The wrapping takes a while: I did mine over the course of a week or so in the evenings while I watched movies or caught up on tv shows. When you need to take a break, just clip the cord and string to keep your spot and prevent unraveling. When you get to the very end, tie a few knots. Add a dab of glue to the knot if you need to. Trim the end of the string, and enjoy your snazzy new clip lamp!
 DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord


  1. I love this idea. I might have to borrow this for my own studio needs. Well done!

    1. I'm glad you like it! It's an easy and inexpensive upgrade if you've got a little time on your hands.

  2. This is absolutelly gorgeous. Amazing idea. ♥

  3. This looks SO good - what a cool idea!

  4. Brilliant idea!! I've been looking for something similar for a while now and this is exactly what I had in mind! Keep it up!

  5. Hi Chhavy! Thanks for the comment! I use the lamp frequently as additional lighting in my workspace. I'd say the heat is comparable to other desk lamps. Bulbs with lower wattage would be cooler.

  6. maybe we can use it to beautify the home office

  7. How many hours did it take you to do that? It look like a torturous job, to me.

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  9. I'm a medieval reenactor, we use this method wrapping when doing the serving on our longbows, I would literally never have thought of doing on a cable. What a brilliant idea!

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