Keeping busy.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've lived in my current apartment for almost a year now, and all of a sudden I have this nagging desire to paint my living room. The room has one large north-east facing window under a deep porch overhang. Needless to say, it doesn't get much light, and the builders-grade white/beige just looks drab and dingy. The walls haven't been painted in (I'm guessing) about 10 years anyway, so a paint job is definitely overdue. So I'm going to zip over to Home Depot over the weekend and get a couple samples to try out. I read that paints with yellow undertones can help to warm up rooms with little natural light, so those are the paint chips that I selected to try out.
Paint Colors
I taped them up on the wall last weekend and so far this color, Glidden's Gold Coast White (marked on the photo) is my favorite. It's crazy because looks like a light taupe when it's up on the wall, not at all like it looked in daylight and it really changes throughout the day. It's amazing what light can do to colors.

Paint Colors

And now I'm sitting here wondering how I'll unload and move my 6' tall bookcase. Hmm, I'll have to figure it out. No turning back now!


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